Women Focused Events

Events, Talks, Get togethers - Let's mingle!

excellent bathing
water quality*
Water Temp: 19.4° C
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Women Focused Events at The West Country Water Park

The West Country Water Park is delighted to host women-focused events to provide a safe, welcoming, empowering space for women to learn and grow together.
Ladies, we would love to hear from you if you have a session you’d like to share or know of any inspiring women who could lead a session. We’re always looking for more speakers to empower and motivate our community; your input is invaluable.

Upcoming Events Women will love

Rethink Menopause talk 3

Successfully completed

Using lifestyle to support us at perimenopause

Nutrition & Wellness Workshop Series Talk 2

Successfully completed

Eating for health and the low down on managing weight!

Want to share with our Women's Community?

Please take a moment to fill out the form below and share your suggestions with us. Let’s work together to bring more amazing women to our platform and create an even more inclusive and diverse space for all of us!